Sunday, September 16, 2007

Classes begin

Well, my classes have started. My first day at class was kind of weird, since here I was going back to school after around 10 years. Facing some of the same challenges that I faced in school, such as figuring out who should be sitting around me, making to the class in time, taking notes and concentrating on the lecture. all in all is a weird feeling of déjà vu.
With job, family and school, I have suddenly realized that there is only so much that I can do. As an example, I have started making some tangible changes in a couple of places. The biggest change is at work, I have reduced, or tried to reduce some of my responsibilities, that meant focus my work responsibilities a bit. I have also cut down on my gym ( read badminton) time. I guess, learning priorities is a big part of doing MBA. The first set of classes had Management, Accounting and Finance. The professors were absolutely fabulous. Completely dedicated and driven.

Students formed a broad mix, lots of disciplines represented different fields of engineering, accounting, finance, medicine/psychology(speech pathology?) and we also have a pilot amongst us!. All students try to participate in the class, some overdo it :-).

Will go through a typical class in more detail later. Have to run now :-)

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